Assignment 1
Please have your child look at the attached YouTube link and stop it at 4:00 min. Have them repeat the words and sentences. Try to let them describe things they see in the house/outside/on TV by using the vocabulary displayed in the clip. If possible, upload their voices/descriptions and I can give specific feedback on their pronunciation
Assignment 2
Practice the days of the week with this app
Assignment 3
Have a look at the video and try to memorize as many animals as possible:
Once your child is confident enough, that they know all the words, they can test themselves on using this app:
Assignment 4
Practice these typical German Karneval songs. Can you copy the dance as well? Viel Spass!
Assignment 5
Make a bingo card with 8 numbers on it. Make a design to your liking. The numbers you pick, have to be between 0 - 20. Write the word, not just the number. Sound it out and try your best. Mama and/or Papa kann helfen ;)
Assignment 6
This video is all about opposites. Have a good listen to Flunkeblunks explanation and find 5 opposites in your house and garden.