This page could help you answer some of the frequently asked questions. Click on the question to see the answer.
What is the best way to learn a second language?
As every individual learns in a unique way, one cannot simply refer to "a best way". Experience has shown though that the more opportunity one has, being able to use/put into practice, that what you have learned the more successful one will become.
How long does it take to learn a second language?
Learning a language, whether this is a new and or additional language, or even your mother tongue, is an ongoing never-ending process. One will be able to master various levels at various stages in time pending on the learning circumstances and putting one's knowledge into practice.
What are the factors that influence the acquisition of a second language?
There are many factors that will influence (language) learning. Some might be personal, physical, emotional. There are influences of the setting in which one learns, the environment, the group, the ability to use the acquired linguistic knowledge etc. Every individual learns in a unique way which needs to be recognized and accepted. Therefore the teacher’s support and parental stimulus (not force) contribute to becoming successful.
What is the difference between a written and spoken language?
Written language is a way of communicating used when face to face communication is not possible at the time. Spoken language is more than just producing language. It also means that one receives extra information through intonation, facial expression, gestures, emotion and environment.
What’s the difference between ESL GSL FSL?
ESL, GSL and FSL are all language programmes. The difference lies in the target language and the goal of the programmes. GSL focuses on speaking and listening while ESL and FSL also focus on reading and writing. Especially ESL (now EAL) prepares children whose mother tongue is not English, to be able to integrate into the regular classes as best as possible.
Where can I find more info about the second language course?
The team communicates via the bi-weekly newsletter on the programmes. This newsletter can be found on the website afnorth-is.com. Here one can also find more general information on the programme. One can also make an appointment with the teachers.
Where can I find more on how to help my child?
One can always contact the language teacher for advice. Important to remember is that support should not become force or pressure. This will always have a negative effect. Positive feedback and showing genuine interest can stimulate the child.
What levels are offered?
In the German programme the children in the younger age groups initially learn the language together at the same level. Differentiation is provided through the teacher’s approach in class. In the older groups a distinction is made between experience and knowledge in order to maintain and facilitate the progress. This process results in three levels beginners, intermediate and advanced. Please see your teacher for more information.
Are the teachers native speakers?
The teachers are either native or near native speakers with an educational background varying from Kindergarten to Secondary Level.
According to which reference frame do students acquire an additional language?
The ESL and FSL class use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The CEFR levels provide an indication of performance and ability to function in communicative contexts in a foreign language. GSL is based upon the work of 2 professors from the University in Aachen, as this course is the only oral course worldwide, thus unique in it's own way. The emphasis is based on the usage of language via the spoken word.
What is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)?
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing language ability. The descriptors specify progressive mastery of each skill, which is graded on a six-level scale (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).
A1- Beginner
A2- Basic Level
B1- Intermediate Level
B2- Upper-intermediate Level
C1- Advanced Level
C2- Master
At which level does my child study ESL and FSL?
In the FSL class, most of the students start at the A1 level. Students can change levels throughout the years, depending on their language abilities.